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Roland Seguela


Now in the MATEIS team (INSA Lyon), Roland was on of my advisor during my thesis. Beyong being my supervisor, Roland is a friend who learn me a lot from both scientifical and personnal points of view. He taught me to be rigorous and to think critically and he also gave me a lot of freedom during the PhD.

Claude Vanmansart


Claude is the technician of the lab and to summarize he got goldfingers ! You want something, Claude do it ! We spent many hours togeher, to speak, to laugh but also sometimes to work... Claude is also a key figure of my PhD ! Together we built the SAXS-WAXS equipement of the lab, the portable stretching device for the experiments at synchrotron (even if we often hear that "it would never work"), we repaired lots of equipments together... and we got lots of fun.


Jean-Marc Lefebvre


Jean-Marc was also my advisor during my PhD thesis. He is also a key figure of my PhD, with a point of view and  working style, different but complementary to that of Roland. We spent lots of hours to speak about science, crazes, neutrons... but also wine, food...




Cyrille Rochas


Cyrille is our local contact for the experiments of D2AM.

He has his place here because without him our experiences wouldn't have been so fruitful and also not so funny ! Still ready to help us !



Ecomeris is a startup i work with since few years. We really concretized this collaboration with the beginning of the PhD thesis of Saadia in 2012.

Together we try to develop new kinds of materials with two main ideas that are, using bio-polymers and elaborating the materials via a "green chemistry" route.

David D'amico


David is an Argentinian doctor we welcomed for a few months during his PhD thesis.

It was a very interesting experience to work with him and I hope that we will meet again in a near future.

The IMCN-BSMA team


I spent a few month in this team. It was very interesting to work with other people and to see something else than mechanical behvior of polymers. Particularly i would like to thank Jacques Devaux and Michel Sclavons for welcoming me as they done. Thanks to Michel i'm now able to tell you if a polymer based nanocomposite is exfoliated only by touching it !!!

The LECAP team


Located at the University of Rouen, people of the LECAP team i work with are specialized in the study of the amorphous phase and its molecular mobility. Particularly i would like to thank Eric Dargent and Nicolas Delpouve !

People that science has made me meet

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